Child & Infant Support: Women we support are often in need of essential infant supplies such as baby formula, baby food, diapers, wipes and more. Your contribution will help to provide children and infants with these necessary items as well as toys, clothing, footwear, school supplies, and more. This winter, something as simple as a gift of a toy for the holidays is a great comfort to a child.
Winter Clothing, Coats and Supplies: The gift of a winter coat, hat, gloves or boots can keep a person warm and healthy this cold winter season. The women we serve face difficulties no matter the season, but the Canadian winter can be especially challenging. During cold weather, many women, children and youth arrive at Jean Tweed without necessary winter essentials – leaving them extremely vulnerable to the harsh conditions of the winter season.
Women’s and Family Essentials: Many of the women we serve do not have access to numerous products which are vital to supporting women’s health.
Gift Cards: Donate a gift card for food, clothing and essential supplies to help ensure the women and families we support this winter have access to everything they need, when they need it most.