Hope. Help. Healing. The Jean Tweed Centre provides support, services and a safe place for women with substance use, gambling and mental health concerns. A New Start By supporting clients to build skills and overcome challenges, we help women and their families build a new start for a better future. Where Do I Begin? Looking for support with substance use, gambling or mental health concerns? Find out if our services are right for you. How Can I Help? Find out about our work, our impact, and how you can make a difference in the lives of countless women and their families.



Make a difference in the lives of countless women

The Jean Tweed Centre is a leading not-for-profit community-based organization that provides treatment, support and a safe place for women looking to overcome challenges with substance use, gambling and mental health. By building life skills and healthy habits, we help our clients build a new start for a better future.

Each year, the Jean Tweed Centre provides counselling and care to over

1,700 women and their families

News and Alerts





Clients served by our Reaching Out to Women (ROW) program


Women took part in support and stabilization programs


Clients served via the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN)

What our clients say

“Every day is a new day. I get to become who I want to be instead of holding on to all this stuff. I’m not trapped by my history.”

“Being supported and now housed, I have been able to take massive next steps in my life. Now I can continue to achieve my goals, knowing that I am supported, but independent.”

“I am feeling more empowered and confident about the future. And I feel calm for the first time in a long time.”

“I continue to be amazed at how much I get out of this program. Finally, I feel optimistic! I am beyond grateful.”

Please be aware that our locations are currently undergoing improvements. Please call ahead before visiting.
