Accessing Support

Start accessing the support you need right away

Start accessing support by joining a free virtual weekly group for women seeking help with substance use and/or gambling concerns. The group is a great way to get started, get connected, and learn about next steps. We’ll talk about coping, staying safe, and explore whether you’re ready to start making changes. There is no waiting list or need to make an appointment, we kindly ask that you register by calling our Intake team at 416-255-7359 ext. 227/260 or email so we can send you the virtual details. You can come as often as you like, although we recommend participating regularly.

Key Details

Where: 215 Evans Avenue, Toronto


  • Every Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.




If you already receive support from one of the organizations below, below please ask about us there:

  • Barbara Schlifer Clinic
  • Elizabeth Fry Toronto
  • Fred Victor Centre
  • Massey Centre (pregnant and parenting)
  • Rosalie Hall (pregnant and parenting)
  • Sistering
  • Vanier Centre for Women (Milton)
  • YWCA First Stop Shelter

Are you a friend or family member of someone accessing our services?

Consider participating in our Friends and Family Support Group.

The Jean Tweed Centre has made changes to some of our programs in the interest of the health and safety of our clients during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are currently not running in person groups and clients must have an appointment before visiting. Please contact us before you visit our office.

    Note: Privacy and security cannot be guaranteed via email. We use email to schedule appointments and we avoid sending sensitive information via email.

    Please be aware that our locations are currently undergoing improvements. Please call ahead before visiting.
