Why We’re Unique

We are Women-Centred

Women’s health and mental health needs are affected by factors specific to women’s biology and physiology. An emerging body of research also shows that women’s behaviours, patterns and thinking around substance use and gambling challenges vary significantly from men.

These differences are further compounded by experiences of trauma that many of our clients have, or are currently experiencing. Because of these factors, supporting women with substance use and gambling concerns requires a unique and tailored approach.

The Jean Tweed Centre brings a uniquely women-centered perspective to our work. We are one of only a handful of agencies focusing on the specific health and mental health needs of women in the areas of substance useand gambling.

By bringing a research-based, gender-specific approach to our work and our services, we aim to support the unique strengths and needs of women and their families.

We are Trauma-Informed

Many women who have substance use, mental health or gambling concerns have experienced some form of trauma in their lives.

Trauma is the lasting emotional response that often results from living through a distressing event, such as childhood physical abuse, or living in a dangerous home. Using substances or gambling can become a coping mechanism.

All of the Jean Tweed Centre’s substance use, gambling and mental health programs are trauma-informed. We understand the role that trauma plays in women’s lives, and we provide a safe and caring environment.

We are Experts

The Jean Tweed Centre integrates clinical wisdom and experience along with the latest research and evidence to inform the design and delivery of our services and enhance client outcomes.

Each year, our work and expertise is strengthened through collaboration with hospitals, community agencies, researchers and supporters. We have also listened to, been informed by, and supported the unique needs of women for more than 35 years.

Through this, our talented and dedicated team has developed deep expertise in how to effectively support women in reaching their goals to overcome challenges with substance use, mental health and gambling concerns.

Please be aware that our locations are currently undergoing improvements. Please call ahead before visiting.
