Our Work and Our Values

The Jean Tweed Centre was established in 1983 and named in honour of Jean Shannon Tweed, a pioneer in advancing women-specific programming. Jean saw the need for a safe and supportive environment for women to address substance use issues, and the Centre began with this same vision and goal.

Today, the Jean Tweed Centre provides counselling and care to over 1,700 women and their families each year, with a focus on helping women overcome challenges with substance use, gambling and mental health.

We achieve this by offering a wide range of services, including:

  • Residential and day programs
  • Outpatient programming, including family and trauma-focused counselling
    One-on-one counselling
  • Continuing care and support
  • Outreach programs for pregnant women and mothers
  • Outreach programs for incarcerated women and women involved with the justice system
  • A licensed therapeutic child development centre

Our Strategy

Our work is guided by a strategic plan. The Jean Tweed Centre’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan builds on the challenges and accomplishments of past years, to guide our efforts to offer collaborative leadership in the designing and implementation of an effective continuum of care framed by broad determinants of health.

Our Impact

Our Annual Report highlights what we’ve accomplished and how we’ve impacted the lives of women and their families each year.


Women and their families are able to live healthy lives.


In collaboration, we provide innovative, accessible, and effective services to women and their families who experience substance use, mental health, and/or gambling concerns.


  • Women-centred
  • Strength-based
  • Trustworthy
  • Inclusive and equitable
  • Trauma-informed


The Jean Tweed Centre recognizes and values the rich diversity of Canadian society and specifically the women, children and families it serves from various communities.

We are committed to working from an inclusive, holistic anti-oppression framework to assist women and their families from various cultures, racialized groups, socio-economic backgrounds, sexual orientation and gender identities with their substance use and/or gambling concerns.

The Jean Tweed Centre is committed to providing accessible services. Our facilities at 215 Evans Avenue in Toronto have been Accessibility Certified by the Rick Hansen Foundation.

By-Laws, Financial Statements and Registered Charity Status

The Jean Tweed Centre’s audited financial statements and by-laws are also available to the public. To request a copy of our by-laws or audited financial statements, please contact us at 416-255-7359 ext. 233.

The Jean Tweed Centre is a registered charity with the Government of Canada (Charitable Number: 118973528 RR0001). You can learn more and access publicly-available reporting on the Jean Tweed’s Centre’s finances and operations on the Canada Revenue Agency’s website.

Please be aware that our locations are currently undergoing improvements. Please call ahead before visiting.
